GeographicLib API


geographiclib: geodesic routines from GeographicLib

geographiclib.__version_info__ = (2, 0, 0)

GeographicLib version as a tuple

geographiclib.__version__ = '2.0'

GeographicLib version as a string


Define the Geodesic class

The ellipsoid parameters are defined by the constructor. The direct and inverse geodesic problems are solved by

  • Inverse() Solve the inverse geodesic problem

  • Direct() Solve the direct geodesic problem

  • ArcDirect() Solve the direct geodesic problem in terms of spherical arc length

GeodesicLine objects can be created with

PolygonArea objects can be created with

The public attributes for this class are

outmask and caps bit masks are

>>> from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
>>> # The geodesic inverse problem
... Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(-41.32, 174.81, 40.96, -5.50)
{'lat1': -41.32,
 'a12': 179.6197069334283,
 's12': 19959679.26735382,
 'lat2': 40.96,
 'azi2': 18.825195123248392,
 'azi1': 161.06766998615882,
 'lon1': 174.81,
 'lon2': -5.5}
Geodesic.WGS84 = Instantiation for the WGS84 ellipsoid
class geographiclib.geodesic.Geodesic(a, f)[source]

Solve geodesic problems

Construct a Geodesic object

  • a – the equatorial radius of the ellipsoid in meters

  • f – the flattening of the ellipsoid

An exception is thrown if a or the polar semi-axis b = a (1 - f) is not a finite positive quantity.


The equatorial radius in meters (readonly)


The flattening (readonly)

Inverse(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, outmask=1929)[source]

Solve the inverse geodesic problem

  • lat1 – latitude of the first point in degrees

  • lon1 – longitude of the first point in degrees

  • lat2 – latitude of the second point in degrees

  • lon2 – longitude of the second point in degrees

  • outmask – the output mask


a Geodesic dictionary

Compute geodesic between (lat1, lon1) and (lat2, lon2). The default value of outmask is STANDARD, i.e., the lat1, lon1, azi1, lat2, lon2, azi2, s12, a12 entries are returned.

Direct(lat1, lon1, azi1, s12, outmask=1929)[source]

Solve the direct geodesic problem

  • lat1 – latitude of the first point in degrees

  • lon1 – longitude of the first point in degrees

  • azi1 – azimuth at the first point in degrees

  • s12 – the distance from the first point to the second in meters

  • outmask – the output mask


a Geodesic dictionary

Compute geodesic starting at (lat1, lon1) with azimuth azi1 and length s12. The default value of outmask is STANDARD, i.e., the lat1, lon1, azi1, lat2, lon2, azi2, s12, a12 entries are returned.

ArcDirect(lat1, lon1, azi1, a12, outmask=1929)[source]

Solve the direct geodesic problem in terms of spherical arc length

  • lat1 – latitude of the first point in degrees

  • lon1 – longitude of the first point in degrees

  • azi1 – azimuth at the first point in degrees

  • a12 – spherical arc length from the first point to the second in degrees

  • outmask – the output mask


a Geodesic dictionary

Compute geodesic starting at (lat1, lon1) with azimuth azi1 and arc length a12. The default value of outmask is STANDARD, i.e., the lat1, lon1, azi1, lat2, lon2, azi2, s12, a12 entries are returned.

Line(lat1, lon1, azi1, caps=3979)[source]

Return a GeodesicLine object

  • lat1 – latitude of the first point in degrees

  • lon1 – longitude of the first point in degrees

  • azi1 – azimuth at the first point in degrees

  • caps – the capabilities


a GeodesicLine

This allows points along a geodesic starting at (lat1, lon1), with azimuth azi1 to be found. The default value of caps is STANDARD | DISTANCE_IN, allowing direct geodesic problem to be solved.

DirectLine(lat1, lon1, azi1, s12, caps=3979)[source]

Define a GeodesicLine object in terms of the direct geodesic problem specified in terms of spherical arc length

  • lat1 – latitude of the first point in degrees

  • lon1 – longitude of the first point in degrees

  • azi1 – azimuth at the first point in degrees

  • s12 – the distance from the first point to the second in meters

  • caps – the capabilities


a GeodesicLine

This function sets point 3 of the GeodesicLine to correspond to point 2 of the direct geodesic problem. The default value of caps is STANDARD | DISTANCE_IN, allowing direct geodesic problem to be solved.

ArcDirectLine(lat1, lon1, azi1, a12, caps=3979)[source]

Define a GeodesicLine object in terms of the direct geodesic problem specified in terms of spherical arc length

  • lat1 – latitude of the first point in degrees

  • lon1 – longitude of the first point in degrees

  • azi1 – azimuth at the first point in degrees

  • a12 – spherical arc length from the first point to the second in degrees

  • caps – the capabilities


a GeodesicLine

This function sets point 3 of the GeodesicLine to correspond to point 2 of the direct geodesic problem. The default value of caps is STANDARD | DISTANCE_IN, allowing direct geodesic problem to be solved.

InverseLine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, caps=3979)[source]

Define a GeodesicLine object in terms of the invese geodesic problem

  • lat1 – latitude of the first point in degrees

  • lon1 – longitude of the first point in degrees

  • lat2 – latitude of the second point in degrees

  • lon2 – longitude of the second point in degrees

  • caps – the capabilities


a GeodesicLine

This function sets point 3 of the GeodesicLine to correspond to point 2 of the inverse geodesic problem. The default value of caps is STANDARD | DISTANCE_IN, allowing direct geodesic problem to be solved.


Return a PolygonArea object


polyline – if True then the object describes a polyline instead of a polygon


a PolygonArea


No capabilities, no output.


Calculate latitude lat2.


Calculate longitude lon2.


Calculate azimuths azi1 and azi2.


Calculate distance s12.


All of the above.


Allow distance s12 to be used as input in the direct geodesic problem.


Calculate reduced length m12.


Calculate geodesic scales M12 and M21.

AREA = 16400

Calculate area S12.

ALL = 32671

All of the above.


Unroll longitudes, rather than reducing them to the range [-180d,180d].


Define the GeodesicLine class

The constructor defines the starting point of the line. Points on the line are given by

A reference point 3 can be defined with

  • SetDistance() set position of 3 in terms of the distance from the starting point

  • SetArc() set position of 3 in terms of the spherical arc length from the starting point

The object can also be constructed by

The public attributes for this class are

class geographiclib.geodesicline.GeodesicLine(geod, lat1, lon1, azi1, caps=3979, salp1=nan, calp1=nan)[source]

Points on a geodesic path

Construct a GeodesicLine object

  • geod – a Geodesic object

  • lat1 – latitude of the first point in degrees

  • lon1 – longitude of the first point in degrees

  • azi1 – azimuth at the first point in degrees

  • caps – the capabilities

This creates an object allowing points along a geodesic starting at (lat1, lon1), with azimuth azi1 to be found. The default value of caps is STANDARD | DISTANCE_IN. The optional parameters salp1 and calp1 should not be supplied; they are part of the private interface.


The equatorial radius in meters (readonly)


The flattening (readonly)


the capabilities (readonly)


the latitude of the first point in degrees (readonly)


the longitude of the first point in degrees (readonly)


the azimuth at the first point in degrees (readonly)


the sine of the azimuth at the first point (readonly)


the cosine of the azimuth at the first point (readonly)


the distance between point 1 and point 3 in meters (readonly)


the arc length between point 1 and point 3 in degrees (readonly)

Position(s12, outmask=1929)[source]

Find the position on the line given s12

  • s12 – the distance from the first point to the second in meters

  • outmask – the output mask


a Geodesic dictionary

The default value of outmask is STANDARD, i.e., the lat1, lon1, azi1, lat2, lon2, azi2, s12, a12 entries are returned. The GeodesicLine object must have been constructed with the DISTANCE_IN capability.

ArcPosition(a12, outmask=1929)[source]

Find the position on the line given a12

  • a12 – spherical arc length from the first point to the second in degrees

  • outmask – the output mask


a Geodesic dictionary

The default value of outmask is STANDARD, i.e., the lat1, lon1, azi1, lat2, lon2, azi2, s12, a12 entries are returned.


Specify the position of point 3 in terms of distance


s13 – distance from point 1 to point 3 in meters


Specify the position of point 3 in terms of arc length


a13 – spherical arc length from point 1 to point 3 in degrees


Define the PolygonArea class

The constructor initializes a empty polygon. The available methods are

  • Clear() reset the polygon

  • AddPoint() add a vertex to the polygon

  • AddEdge() add an edge to the polygon

  • Compute() compute the properties of the polygon

  • TestPoint() compute the properties of the polygon with a tentative additional vertex

  • TestEdge() compute the properties of the polygon with a tentative additional edge

The public attributes for this class are

class geographiclib.polygonarea.PolygonArea(earth, polyline=False)[source]

Area of a geodesic polygon

Construct a PolygonArea object

  • earth – a Geodesic object

  • polyline – if true, treat object as a polyline instead of a polygon

Initially the polygon has no vertices.


The geodesic object (readonly)


Is this a polyline? (readonly)


The total area of the ellipsoid in meter^2 (readonly)


The current number of points in the polygon (readonly)


The current latitude in degrees (readonly)


The current longitude in degrees (readonly)


Reset to empty polygon.

AddPoint(lat, lon)[source]

Add the next vertex to the polygon

  • lat – the latitude of the point in degrees

  • lon – the longitude of the point in degrees

This adds an edge from the current vertex to the new vertex.

AddEdge(azi, s)[source]

Add the next edge to the polygon

  • azi – the azimuth at the current the point in degrees

  • s – the length of the edge in meters

This specifies the new vertex in terms of the edge from the current vertex.

Compute(reverse=False, sign=True)[source]

Compute the properties of the polygon

  • reverse – if true then clockwise (instead of counter-clockwise) traversal counts as a positive area

  • sign – if true then return a signed result for the area if the polygon is traversed in the “wrong” direction instead of returning the area for the rest of the earth


a tuple of number, perimeter (meters), area (meters^2)

Arbitrarily complex polygons are allowed. In the case of self-intersecting polygons the area is accumulated “algebraically”, e.g., the areas of the 2 loops in a figure-8 polygon will partially cancel.

If the object is a polygon (and not a polyline), the perimeter includes the length of a final edge connecting the current point to the initial point. If the object is a polyline, then area is nan.

More points can be added to the polygon after this call.

TestPoint(lat, lon, reverse=False, sign=True)[source]

Compute the properties for a tentative additional vertex

  • lat – the latitude of the point in degrees

  • lon – the longitude of the point in degrees

  • reverse – if true then clockwise (instead of counter-clockwise) traversal counts as a positive area

  • sign – if true then return a signed result for the area if the polygon is traversed in the “wrong” direction instead of returning the area for the rest of the earth


a tuple of number, perimeter (meters), area (meters^2)

TestEdge(azi, s, reverse=False, sign=True)[source]

Compute the properties for a tentative additional edge

  • azi – the azimuth at the current the point in degrees

  • s – the length of the edge in meters

  • reverse – if true then clockwise (instead of counter-clockwise) traversal counts as a positive area

  • sign – if true then return a signed result for the area if the polygon is traversed in the “wrong” direction instead of returning the area for the rest of the earth


a tuple of number, perimeter (meters), area (meters^2)


Define the WGS84 ellipsoid

class geographiclib.constants.Constants[source]

Constants describing the WGS84 ellipsoid

WGS84_a = 6378137.0

the equatorial radius in meters of the WGS84 ellipsoid in meters

WGS84_f = 0.0033528106647474805

the flattening of the WGS84 ellipsoid, 1/298.257223563