Helmert, Mathematical and Physical Theories of Higher Geodesy,
Vol. 1
Friedrich Robert Helmert, 1843–1917,
Die Mathematischen und Physikalischen Theorieen der
Höheren Geodäsie [Mathematical and Physical Theories
of Higher Geodesy], Vol. 1, Preface and the Mathematical
Theories (Teubner, Leipzig, 1880).
Notes on the English translation:
This is a scan by Charles Karney of the copy in the USGS
library in Reston, VA.
The table of contents and the cross-references in the text use
the page numbers from the original book. This pagination is
indicated in the translation by the numbers above and below
the horizontal lines in the text.
The formulas have been cut and pasted (in the old-fashioned
way!) from the book. In some cases these are barely legible;
go to the German text to disambiguate them (see Google Books
link above).
This translation has 949 pages. However, the scan is
perfectly legible when printed 2-up (2 pages per sheet). This
should work OK with A4 and US letter sizes.
Helmert, Mathematical and Physical Theories of Higher Geodesy,
Vol. 2.
A geodesic bibliography
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Charles Karney