Fortran library for Geodesics  2.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 *> @file
2 *! @brief The interface file for the geodesic routines in Fortran
3 *!
4 *! Optinally insert \code
5 *! include '' \endcode
6 *! into the declaration portion of a subroutine that uses this library.
7 *!
8 *! See geodesic.for for documentation on these routines.
10  interface
12 * omask bits: 1 = a12; 2 = m12; 4 = MM12 + MM21; 8 = SS12
13 * flags bits: 1 = arcmode; 2 = unroll
15  subroutine direct(a, f, lat1, lon1, azi1, s12a12, flags,
16  + lat2, lon2, azi2, omask, a12s12, m12, MM12, MM21, SS12)
17  double precision, intent(in) :: a, f, lat1, lon1, azi1, s12a12
18  integer, intent(in) :: flags, omask
19  double precision, intent(out) :: lat2, lon2, azi2
20  double precision, intent(out) :: a12s12, m12, MM12, MM21, SS12
21  end subroutine direct
23  subroutine invers(a, f, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2,
24  + s12, azi1, azi2, omask, a12, m12, MM12, MM21, SS12)
25  double precision, intent(in) :: a, f, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2
26  integer, intent(in) :: omask
27  double precision, intent(out) :: s12, azi1, azi2
28  double precision, intent(out) :: a12, m12, MM12, MM21, SS12
29  end subroutine invers
31  subroutine area(a, f, lats, lons, n, AA, PP)
32  integer, intent(in) :: n
33  double precision, intent(in) :: a, f, lats(n), lons(n)
34  double precision, intent(out) :: AA, PP
35  end subroutine area
37  subroutine geover(major, minor, patch)
38  integer, intent(out) :: major, minor, patch
39  end subroutine geover
41  subroutine geoini
42  end subroutine geoini
44  end interface